Sunday, May 23, 2010

Perfect Peace

Isaiah 26:3 You (God) will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Another base was attacked tonight in Afghanistan. There is nothing like the awareness of friends stationed all over the place, which leverages an attitude of prayer in response. I worry for the safety of our Warriors over there, and pray for the peace of their families.

My heart also goes out to the precious people of Afghanistan who have known nothing but war. Imagine if the United States had something like the Taliban attempting to rule. Right now the Taliban are stopping at nothing to mandate rules and regulations to snuff out the sweet essence of freedom for the Afghani people.

I often speculate the people of Afghanistan have the same fears we do about war, death and dying, yet we sit here relatively safe and they are more alert to the dangers around them. In some ways I envy their position.

Think back to the tragedy of 9-11. As the towers fell, a horrified nation wept for the invasion which had taken place within our borders, and our conscience was raised to do something in retaliation. Months later the opportunity arose as we massed a force and did the best we could to chase Osama Bin Laden somewhere into the mountains of Bora Bora. As we launched rockets, mortars and air strikes, many Americans sat glued to their chairs watching the news to learn of his fate. Even now we wonder if he is dead or alive, but nontheless our cry of freedom has been cauterized by politics and fear of the unknown.

With Ben overseas, the pain of being separated by duty is real, yet we are united by love. I for one remain at peace and rest under the comfort that no matter what happens, my God has him in the center of His perfect will. Are we a nation of passion or passionate people driven by purpose? Whether we like it or not, we are at war and fight we must until somebody wins. I pray our hearts and minds stay focused in on God so His peace swaddles us despite the storm brewing around us.

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